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Short Writing Assignment 1 - Topic Proposal & Thesis

Your first Short Writing Assignment will ask you to craft a short topic proposal and a first draft of a thesis; this will evolve into your close reading for our first essay, which will cover a text from Unit 1. This assignment should be 1 page in length.

Your paper must use MLA format, which includes citing and documenting all sources. You must use 12 pt Times New Roman font and your work must be double-spaced, as always.

Due Date

SWA 1 will be due in electronic form at 11:59PM on Friday, Week 4. It will be returned to you with comments during the next class period, in order to aid in your drafting of Essay 1.

Detailed Description

In 1 page, you will choose one of the texts we’ve looked at (or will look at) in Unit One. Then, I want you to propose a reading of the text, followed by a working thesis statement.

However, “propose a reading of the text” is a fairly loose assignment—this can take many forms. In its most complicated form, you can present a mini-version of your paper, something that looks like an abstract, that argues for an interpretation of the text and quickly outlines your main points.

In its least complicated form, you can offer me (in essay format) your thoughts and ideas surrounding a text: did a particular symbol stand out to you? Is there a theme or group of themes you see as especially important to this text? What do you think this text means or tells us? Why did you choose this text? How does it speak to you?

At the very least, I want to see you begin to grapple with the questions, “What’s the deal with this text?” and “Why should anyone care?”

After you give me your Topic Proposal (which should be in essay format), the last line (or lines) of your paper should be a working thesis statement. Boil down your thoughts into a few sentences.